Training in the latest technologies

At Binarial, we offer training to clients and educational institutions in all areas of our technologies.

Traininig with Binarial

The best way to expand your knowledge

With the advent of new technologies, continuous training of personnel in factories becomes increasingly necessary.

Therefore, at Binarial, we make sure to stay up-to-date with every product or technology that enters the market. This way, we can transfer this knowledge to our clients, making them more competitive by leveraging these new tools.

  • Training in Artificial Intelligence

    With our own servers, we can conduct tests, trials, and training sessions during the courses. This allows students to better understand each of the concepts explained throughout the syllabus.

  • Training in mobile robotics

    Through our mobile robot, Compy®, we aim to explain and teach all the important aspects of mobile robotics, including theory on navigation and how to add new functionalities to the robot.

  • Training in PLC Programming

    Our technical team has extensive experience in programming all types of robots and PLCs. Thanks to this, we can manage training for programming most PLCs on the market.

    Consult us about your needs, and we will propose the most suitable training program for you.