Defect detection
in packaging

Our ultrasonic sensor provides real-time data to identify and automatically remove defective packaging, improving product quality and significantly increasing production capacity.

AI for defect detection in packaging

An innovative, precise, and effective system

Our sensor combines ultrasound with vibrational data capture from packaging, then processes this data with Artificial Intelligence technologies to allow precise, effective, and non-invasive detection of products.

  • Precise and non-invasive detection

    Identifies anomalies without physical contact.

  • AI-based

    Analyzes vibrational modes for effective and precise detection.

  • Detection of non-visible defects

    Identifies imperfections that are completely undetectable by visual inspection.

  • Retrainable and adaptable system

    Allows continuous adjustments and improvements to adapt to new packaging types or changes in the production process.

  • Eliminates defective packaging

    Prevents economic losses and maintains product quality.

What does Binarial’sULTRASONIC SENSOR do?

  • Canned goods inspection

    Canned goods inspection

    In the canning sector, we apply our technology to ensure the proper sealing of cans, hence preventing problems for consumers and clients.

  • Bottle Inspection

    Bottle inspection

    The flexibility of our ultrasonic analysis technology allows us to study plastic bottles to ensure their robust manufacturing and prevent liquid loss when filled.

  • Packaging Inspection

    Packaging inspection

    With our previous experience in inspecting cans and bottles, this technology can be applied to any type of packaging with a plastic lid. Our AI can differentiate when the seal is correct and identify the type of defect.

  • Seal Inspection in Aerospace and Automotive Industries

    Seal inspection in aerospace and automotive industries

    The multiple configurations we can perform with our technology allow us to adapt and apply it to various sectors where sound is a relevant factor.

CTRL-X and Siemens XCelerator Patents

The importance of this technology is highlighted by our incorporation as a featured application on the CtrlX and Siemens Xcelerator platforms for international spreading and use.