Artificial Vision

Using vision cameras, we developed various industrial applications so that, leveraging our AI servers, we can offer solutions to clients across different sectors.

Visión Artificial Industrial

Detection of imperceptible details

The variety of cameras currently available on the market allows us to detect all types of needs that arise in production and manufacturing processes.

Combined with Artificial Intelligence, this creates a tool with highly diverse application potential.

  • Eliminate human errors

    Visual inspection by operators can lead to mistakes after long hours of work.

    However, with vision cameras, we ensure 100% inspection based on a pattern and the correct detection algorithm.

  • Adapts to production

    As a fully and easily configurable system, it can control different types of parts, adapting to production changes throughout the day.

  • Detects any variation

    Supported by AI, it forms a robust system that can perceive even the slightest variations in geometry, color, or texture.

What does Binarial’sARTIFICIAL VISION do?

  • Inspection of Manufactured Parts

    Inspection of manufactured parts

    Positioned at the output of the production machine, our system achieves 100% inspection of all manufactured products directly on the line. With a subsequent removal system, defective products are prevented from advancing to the next phase of the process.

  • Part Picking in Machining Centers

    Part picking in machining centers

    By adjusting and selecting the correct camera, parts can be picked up at the output of the machining center, allowing for their classification and palletizing or boxing.

  • Inspection of Adhesives, Glues, or Sealants Applied to Parts or Cartons

    Inspection of adhesives, glues, or sealants applied to parts or cartons

    In the application of glues or sealants, it is important to control the bead to avoid interruption zones, which can later cause defects in sealing and product leaks or contamination.

  • Detection of Plastic Residue in Food Products

    Detection of plastic residue in food products

    Our detection system can identify even the smallest plastic residue on the packaging of a product, ensuring that the client’s production is free from plastic contamination and preventing future customer complaints.

CTRL-X and Siemens XCelerator Patents

The importance of this technology is highlighted by our incorporation as a featured application on the CtrlX and Siemens Xcelerator platforms for international spreading and use.